Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Similaraties with PTSD and OCD essays

Similaraties with PTSD and OCD essays PTSD and OCD have some similarities. A person who has PTSD has to go through a severe trauma in order for them to have PTSD, and it affects them because they try not to think or reflect on their trauma. A person with OCD is a little similar too that. However, they have to disregard those compulsive thoughts or routines they do during the day. They both go through the same process of treatment. Basically, its just exposing them to their rituals (OCD) or exposing them to the traumatic event ( PTSD) and to overcome those fears and compulsions. When OCD has an image of their compulsion it actually triggers them to their ritual and they try to avoid it, because obviously it affects their personal lives in every aspect. And when PTSD has flashbacks or nightmares those images or so intense and vivid that they feel that theyre in that traumatic event right then and there. So whenever they are close to that object or event that was part of their trauma they do the same thing as OCD they avoid it! The behavior that PTSD has is over aroused, quickly frightened, and very aggravated. And OCD has different types of behaviors because it varies on their compulsion. But they have sexual aggression thoughts and catastrophic thoughts and even consequences if their ritual wasnt accomplished that day. PTSD at some point builds a ritual too. Or maybe a habit however, this habit isnt intentional. PTSD patients tend to build up anxiety as well and start doing things they didnt do before. For example, if there is a man and he went to a barber shop and his ear was cut off and from then on he developed PTSD he will probably avoid hair parlors for the rest of his life and everything that it has to do with beauty and hair (scissors, combs, hair spray etc.) if he doesnt receive treatment. OCD and PTSDs cause is a little contradictory in this case. PTSD is caused by a traumatic life event. And OCD is caused ...

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